Episode 30: Kristin Wartman, Journalist & Author of NY Times Op-Ed, “Pay People to Cook At Home”

Kristin Wartman

On May 10, 2013, I read an Op-Ed in the New York Times that really struck a chord. The article was titled, “Pay People to Cook at Home,” and in the piece my guest Kristin Wartman argues that the government should provide compensation to parents of young children to support parents in providing healthy home cooked meals. Kristin based her idea on the Wages for Housework campaign mounted by the activist, organizer and author Selma James. Kristin and discussed this radical idea, and her views on other related issues including nutrition experts funded and co-opted by corporations, the lack of veracity in the way food is promoted, and how people can avoid being tricked. Oh, and she also weighs in on why Americans are so crazy about food.

Eric Gurna Written by: