Episode 35: Selma James, Activist and Founder of International Wages for Housework Campaign!

Selma James speaking with Eric Gurna on Please Speak Freely

Selma James is a freedom fighter, fighting against racism, and fighting for human rights for all, especially women. She is best known for the International Wages for Housework Campaign, launched in 1972. She has continued her fierce activism all these years, and her most recent book, Sex, Race and Class, The Perspective of Winning, A Selection of Writings 1952-2011 (PM Press 2012) had a big impact on me personally. I was honored to be able to talk with Selma James for Please Speak Freely. The challenging part was that she is based in London, so we conducted the interview over Skype, and the audio quality is not up to our usual standards! I worked hard in editing to clean it up as much as possible for you, and I think that you will find the conversation worth it.

Please check out the work of Global Women’s Strike and sign their petition to the US Congress to end poverty of mothers and children and recognize caregiving work.

Eric Gurna Written by: