Episode 8: Crystal FitzSimons

crystal-fitzsimmonsThis episode of Please Speak Freely is all about food. I sat down with Crystal FitzSimons of the Food Research Action Center at the Bridge Conference in Seattle last October, and learned a lot about how school lunches, snacks and suppers are funded and provided, and the efforts being made to ensure high-quality nutrition.

lucy-komisarBecause I am recording the podcasts faster than I can edit and post them, some time passed before I got a chance to listen to the conversation, and I happen to read a gripping article in the NY Times called, “How the Food Industry Eats Your Kid’s Lunch,” and immediately reached out to the author of the piece, Lucy Komisar, who was kind enough to sit down with me as well. The two conversations provide interesting perspectives on an important issue. Having worked on the Healthy Children, Healthy Futures program for many years, and because I love to cook (and of course, love to eat), the issue of what we feed kids matters to me very much, and I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Coming soon…my conversation with one of my professional heroes, Alfie Kohn.

Eric Gurna Written by: