Author: Eric Gurna

September 26, 2013 / / podcast
August 5, 2013 / / podcast
June 5, 2013 / / podcast
March 5, 2013 / / podcast


First, let me apologize for the extra long delay between episodes of Please Speak Freely! While I have intentionally ignored the good advice I get to put the podcast on a set schedule in order to keep it from becoming a chore with an arbitrary deadline, I do intend to release a new episode at least every four to six weeks. The longer stretch that has passed since the last podcast is unusual. That said, I am pleased to present this latest episode, during which I spoke with Michelle Yanche, Assistant Executive Director for Government and External Relations for Good Shepherd Services and a passionate advocate for youth and families in New York City. Michelle talks about her vision for the future of youth and

December 12, 2012 / / podcast